Natural Antioxidant Scientifically Proven To Fight The Real Cause Of Sugar Cravings. 
Essential For Lasting Health ,Weight Loss and Fertility!

 Many Women Are Actually Deficient In This Nutrient Causing Them To Crave Sugar.. 

Could you be one of them?..

The solution to Health, Beauty and wellness. 

Reduce Sugar Cravings whilst Supporting your Skin, Hair & Hormones from the inside!

OUR CUSTOMERS WORDS: 'My Skin & Hair has never felt or looked better! it took a good few weeks to take effect (but this is an all Natural product -so I was ok with that) and now my Mood and Anxiety is noticeably better thank you ' Jayne.D- London

The Benefits of 'My Myo Plan' With Antioxidants..

Clean Beauty- so you don't have to compromise your Health!

We are A Clean Beauty Nutritional Supplement made with Myo-Inositol that has been shown to help Reduce Sugar Cravings and support Hormone Health. With added Alpha Lipoic Acid and Zinc Antioxidants which have been shown to benefit Skin & Hair. Because My Myo Plan+ with added Antioxidants goes straight to the Cell Nourishing your Skin, Hair and Hormones. 

My Myo Plan is derived purely from Natural Ingredients

Pure High quality Myo-Inositol, that is backed by the Science Research!. Inositol is naturally produced in the Body and usually obtained from foods. However some Women have been found to have a defect in how they metabolise it- resulting in deficiencies!, Sugar Cravings and Hormone Imbalances. These Women report seeing noticeable improvement in symptoms from Supplementation. 

Supports your Mood

Myo-Inositol supplementation is believed to help stimulate the production of 'Feel Good' Hormones Serotonin and Dopamine. As those suffering from Depression and Anxiety have been found to be Deficient in this Nutrient and have found an improvement in symptoms on Supplementation.  

Hormone Health & Fertility Support

Myo-Inositol Supplementation is regularly recommended to Women with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome and other Hormone Health related issues and even used as a Natural alternative to certain Medications. Primarily taken to boost Ovulation chances and is widely prescribed in IVF Clinics to support Egg Health and Fertility. Whether you are trying for a baby or not regular Ovulation is key in protecting  Endometrial Health and Hormone Harmony. 

Sugar Cravings and Weight Loss

We encourage you to learn more about your unique Hormone Balance and what is really going on in your Body. Read more on Myo Inositol and My Myo Plan below. Most of our Customers first feedback say they no longer feel a slave to the Sugar Cravings. Myo-Inositol that has been shown to help Reduce Sugar Cravings and aid Weight Loss through Hormone Health Support. 

How Myo-Inositol With Antioxidants- Together Supports Health, Beauty + Hormones!

  • Antioxidants for Skin Hair and whole Body Health - Protect your cells and prevent free radical damage, helping to preserve a more youthful appearance right at the source and Zinc & ALA's assist Collagen. Alpha Lipoic Acid is know for its Anti Ageing qualities 400 times more powerful than VItamin A, C and E
  • Clean Beauty alternative-  Ingestible Cell supportive ingredients - Purely made from Vitamin B8 - Myo Inositol, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Zinc and Folate work in synergy together- straight to Cell internal Beauty Benefits. Means you can better results and swerve the Toxic Beauty products. 
  • Pure Powder Myo Inositol - Clinically Proven to support Insulin sensitivity- imbalanced levels have been shown to increase sugar cravings. 
  • Replace Missing Nutrients- Some Women have been found to have a deficiency due to how they absorb Inositol. By supplementing with the readily converted Myo-Inositol type the Natural levels are bought back in balance benefiting the whole body health. 
  • Supports Weight Loss - Less Sugar cravings is only going to assist you on your road to a Healthier Balanced Diet and long term Weight goals
  • Fertility Support-  Oxidative Stress has been found to be behind poor Egg and Sperm Quality. Myo Inositol and Antioxidants help to protect and guard against Oxidative Stress 
  • Anxiety and Mood Support- Studies have shown Anxiety & Depression sufferers can actually have a deficiency of Inositol in their Brain. Since Inositol's are responsible for Neurotransmitters including Serotonin. Our customers have reported it help boost the 'Feel good' Hormones. 
  • Multi Benefit Clean Beauty Alternative -  save yourself money by reducing the amount of products you would need to use to get the same results.
  • Improve Energy - our ingredients contain Antioxidants a key factor in the energy cycle of our cells 
  • Anti Inflammatory ingredients- The Antioxidants and Myo Inositol in combo are a powerful Antioxidant which helps our bodies protection 
  • Reduces unwanted Hair- Studies have shown Myo Inositol decreased Hirsutism after 6 months use
  • Improves Hair -  Thinning and dry brittle hair can be a sign of Myo Inositol deficiency. We have had  reviews from customers with Androgen Alopecia notice improved results since it lowers DHT which is the cause of Hair Loss. 
  • And many more -you can read more in the Scientific Study Research papers below!

OUR CUSTOMERS SAY: 'My Skin has cleared up having had PCOS Acne for years and Ive dropped a dress size in 8 weeks from the reduced cravings thank you so much xxx   
Anne.T Birmingham' 

 My Myo Plan

Myo-Inositol, Folate and Antioxidant Health and Beauty Supplement For:

-Sugar Cravings 
- Skin
- Mood

The Hybrid in Women's Natural Health Support!
Do you suffer with any of these issues? ..
 Although Inositol is naturally produced in the Body, some Women have been found to have a defect in how they metabolise it, resulting in deficiencies and Hormone Imbalances. Some of the more obvious are Anxiety and Imbalanced Blood Sugars.

Up to 47% of Women are experiencing A undiagnosed Hormone Imbalance -suffering the symptoms!. 
This is where Supplementing with Myo-Inositol can help to bridge the gap. One of the main symptoms of Hormone Imbalance affects the Gut Health and also causes Sugar Cravings. 
People with low levels of Myo Inositol in their Body have been found to suffer from Anxiety.

  Myo Inositol supplementation is believed to help stimulate the production of 'Feel Good' Hormones Serotonin and Dopamine. 

Myo-Inositol has been shown to help with Sugar Cravings and can help Balance Blood Sugars as it acts as an Insulin Sensitizer.
So it is involved in the way that Glucose is managed in the body (in non Diabetic Women). Which helps to support and can potentially reduce the risk of
developing Insulin Resistance which can lead to further Health Issues such as Metabolic Syndrome.

Studies have shown Myo-Inositol can help to lower levels of Androgen's helping to support and rebalance other Hormones in the Body. 
Such as Progesterone which is necessary for restoring regular Menstrual Cycles. This can also aid Fertility by stimulating Ovulation, to help maintain an ongoing Healthy Hormone Balance. 
Un-apposed Estrogen from not Ovulating regularly causes a whole host of Health issues the biggest is a higher risk of developing Cancer. So rest assured from this by supporting your Natural Balance.

Also Myo-Inositol Reduces Androgen's so can also help to reduce the development of Acne. Because higher Androgen's can increase the Oil in the Skin. 
My Myo Plan + even has added Antioxidants straight to the Cell support to act as an internal Beauty supplement nourishing your Skin, Hair and Hormones. 


Our Founder Kerry Goodliffe- Hormone Health & Wellness Coach, developed the Formula. After healing her own Infertility, PCOS and Hormone Health. My Myo Plan was born from the frustration of limited Clean Beauty Brands that offer an alternative to Toxic Beauty Products whilst also supporting our Hormone Health. 

And since there wasn't A Pure Myo-Inositol Formula with Folate and Antioxidants available.  Most other Brands contain conflicting ingredients.
Working with a Nutritional Supplement Specialist here in the UK, Kerry wanted to create the Highest Quality Formula with added Antioxidants to give her clients Glowing Skin & Great Hair and Mood Benefits as well as Life enhancing results. Derived from Nature. 

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Video # 1 : 

How is your Hormone Health? 

 My Myo Plan are unique in that we want to be more than just a Amazing Supplement, we want you to get lasting results! so we give you the Coaching and support that will help you actually achieve this.  
To learn more about Clean Beauty and Hormone Health? 
Get our FREE Magazine Guide
worth £8!- FREE for a limited time!..

Video # 2 : 

Could this be  causing your Sugar cravings?

Video # 3 : 

 My Myo Plan can do for you

Video # 4 : 
How Added Antioxidants  

I would like to learn more about Hormone Health and Sugar Cravings please take me to the 

My-Myo Plan is a Game Changer- Our Formula's are made from Natural Inositol which is already produced in the Body. A Vitamin like substance found in certain Foods. My Myo Plan's, Myo-Inositol Formulations have been converted into the more readily available version of Myo-Inositol. Safety tested to GMP standards. Which means we are Manufactured in Britain adhering to rigorous Safety requirements. Even so, we recommend speaking to your Doctor before starting any Supplement especially if you are Pregnant or Breastfeeding. 

My Myo Plan comes in a highly Soluble Powder, so you don't have to be taking lots of Pills either.!

Science Journal References from Pubmed/ National Library of Medicine.  Use the citation details to read full studies although some were conducted in Europe they are in English: 
Vadnal R, Parthasarathy L, Parthasarathy R. Promising Psychotherapeutic Effects of the Natural Sugar: Myo-Inositol. Nutr Neurosci. 1998;1(1):21-33. doi: 10.1080/1028415X.1998.11747210. PMID: 27405908. 

-De Cicco S, Immediata V, Romualdi D, Policola C, Tropea A, Di Florio C, Tagliaferri V, Scarinci E, Della Casa S, Lanzone A, Apa R. Myoinositol combined with alpha-lipoic acid may improve the clinical and endocrine features of polycystic ovary syndrome through an insulin-independent action. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2017 Sep;33(9):698-701. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2017.1313972. Epub 2017 Apr 23. PMID: 28434274.
-Fruzzetti F, Fidecicchi T, Palla G, Gambacciani M. Long-term treatment with α-lipoic acid and myo-inositol positively affects clinical and metabolic features of polycystic ovary syndrome. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2020 Feb;36(2):152-155. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2019.1640673. Epub 2019 Jul 18. PMID: 31317814.
-Regidor PA, Schindler AE, Lesoine B, Druckman R. Management of women with PCOS using myo-inositol and folic acid. New clinical data and review of the literature. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2018 Mar 2;34(2):/j/hmbci.2018.34.issue-2/hmbci-2017-0067/hmbci-2017-0067.xml. doi: 10.1515/hmbci-2017-0067. PMID: 29498933.

Genazzani AD. Inositol as putative integrative treatment for PCOS. Reprod Biomed Online. 2016 Dec;33(6):770-780. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.08.024. Epub 2016 Sep 16. PMID: 27717596.

Artini PG, Di Berardino OM, Papini F, Genazzani AD, Simi G, Ruggiero M, Cela V. Endocrine and clinical effects of myo-inositol administration in polycystic ovary syndrome. A randomized study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2013 Apr;29(4):375-9. doi: 10.3109/09513590.2012.743020. Epub 2013 Jan 22. PMID: 23336594.

Croze ML, Soulage CO. Potential role and therapeutic interests of myo-inositol in metabolic diseases. Biochimie. 2013 Oct;95(10):1811-27. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2013.05.011. Epub 2013 Jun 10. PMID: 23764390.

' I feel and look years younger its amazing stuff!' - Karen .R . Leeds

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